Administrator How can I change the unit of measurement from kg to lbs? The only way to change the unit of measurement is through the App.... Leggera 2 Leggera 2 Tutorials thg 12 1, 2022
Administrator How to reset Leggera? Just remove the batteries and put them back.... Leggera 2 Leggera 2 Tutorials thg 12 1, 2022
Administrator How can I add a new user to the Leggera User List? Open the app and go to the Device section (screen’s bottom bar) User List . Click the + on the screen’s upper right corner. In Add another user , register the person’s personal information and click o... Leggera 2 Leggera 2 Tutorials thg 12 1, 2022
Administrator How can I connect Leggera to the App? 1. Open the app and go to the Device section (screen’s bottom bar). 2. Turn on Leggera and with dry, bare feet, step on the scale. Select Health Scale . It will automatically connect when the scale ha... Leggera 2 Leggera 2 Tutorials thg 12 1, 2022