Administrator Leggera display shows “Err” when measuring body fat. Your feet or scale are too wet; Overload the maximum capacity (300lb/150kg); Body parameter settings should be with Height (3’3”-7’3”/ 100-220cm), Aged (10-99 years old).... Leggera 2 Leggera 2 Troubleshootings thg 12 1, 2022 Leggera 2 Troubleshootings
Administrator Leggera can't connect to the App. Please make sure that all these settings are on: Ensure that the Bluetooth on your device is on. Please turn the Bluetooth off and then back on and restart the App on your device. The App needs to be ... Leggera 2 Leggera 2 Troubleshootings thg 12 1, 2022 Leggera 2 Troubleshootings